Process Safety
Refineries to lift the bottom line are pushed to higher level of complexities specially at the asian refiners. Loss of containment has been getting continually updated too since process integrity over a period of time say 5 to 10 years of refinery operation demands a holistic relook starting with existing as built P&ID review. It is likely that process envelop has been modified to lift the bottom of the barrel to produce more high value products. The management of change process is also to be brought under scrutiny with due consideration to changes occurred as seen in through the prevailing Corrosion management system as well as Integrity Operating Windows in place. As such any improvement in process safety prevents untoward incident, reduced insurance premium, maintenance cost, etc., apart from enhanced image of the company in shareholders trust. Our team had worked in a mega refinery in Asia and reviewed over 400 P&IDs and found the need to deploy EIVs (Emergency Isolation Valves, which are operated from safe distance on need) on hot pump suctions which had become essential post asset sweating. A few of the team members understand the whole process of looking at each and every process units taking into account of credible scenarios to recommend missing EIVs to enhance process safety.